Wikipedia Living

Before this week I had never used wikipedia so in depth. On Thursday we were required to make a Wikipedia profile. I never knew that you could make a profile from Wikipedia. I always thought the you had to be licensed in order to have a say so on what is posted on Wikipedia. But that is not the case because I am not licensed and I have a profile. We also watched a video on who people picked their usernames. A lot of people used funny names and others just used their full name like I did. In addition to that, the main problem that I don't like is that anyone can go on Wikipedia and change profiles. Not too long ago I went on Wikipedia and looked up Kobe Bryant and it said that he wore number 33,24, and 8 for the Lakers. When he only wore number 8 and 24  on the Lakers.


  1. Hey Khalil, it was nice reading your blog post about Wikipedia and its influence on our lives. I have always been a big fan of Wikipedia based on its ease of use. However, I did find out in high school that people could always edit information on Wikipedia. I always knew about this since we could not use Wikipedia for sources in papers and things of that nature. I laughed a little when I read your sentence about Kobe Bryant, who is one of my favorite athletes. I did not know that, but it is a case of why Wikipedia should not be a trustworthy source. Best, Beau

  2. Hey Khalil! I like your post and the things you address in it. Definitely the fact that there can be information on wikipedia pages that is incorrect. Typically, wikipedia is very good at monitoring false information and take it down almost instantly. But clearly, there are still flaws in their system due to the fact that the pages are credited and run by the people. So it definitely is an interesting website, but I see why it cannot be 100% trusted on the accuracy of it's information.


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