
This week in class we actually didn't have class. Our teacher told us that we didn't have to go to class all week, which is lovely. Although we didn't have to go to class we still have homework assignments due on a site called TopHat. Before this eSoc212 class I had never heard of TopHat. Now TopHat is an educational site used for education usage. TopHat subscription costs money which is why so many students complain about it. In my opinion for college student’s online books should be free. Year in and year out per school year students spend at least $700 for books. Now back to our teacher assigning us TopHat homework. The work was uniquely set us so that it would be due at the time that we would usually end class. It was pretty easy because all we had to do was read the reading and then answer the questions right after.


  1. Interesting post, Khalil. It is interesting because before coming to college, I never heard of Top Hat. Then my freshman year I was in a class that required Top Hat for submitting polls and answering questions in class. But I have never seen it where there is an actual textbook on the website and you can answer questions directly in the textbook. I think that every textbook should be like this. They are so expensive and if I am going to spend money, I rather it be a monthly subscription to unlimited book access than to pay at least 100 dollars each book.

  2. I agree with what you are saying about Top Hat. I think that it is a good site but don’t think it is worth the $26 subscription. I also agree with you to some extent. I would love if the college textbooks were free but even if they were price at a competitive, real, price point would be great. I don’t spend nearly $700 on textbooks because of Used of Pirated copies but still must spend usually $400 per year. It’s incredibly stupid for such a thing that is outdated the day after printing.

  3. Hey Khalil, I thought you presented some interesting connections to what we did in class this week. I enjoyed learning on Top Hat like you. It is kind of ridiculous that we have to pay several hundred dollars for textbooks even though we pay tens and thousands for education. It is definitely a hot topic involved in politics in today's day and age. I also liked TopHat because it allowed me to learn on my own time. It was nice to have a little extra free time in my schedule this week and not have to dread going to class. Overall, great post!

  4. Heyo Khalil!
    I'm in the same boat as you about not knowing what TopHat was until this semester! I think it's better than paying 700$ for book definitely, but I think as a society, we have a long way to go before even books are free. Who knows how long it will take for educations to cost anything less than it already does. I hope to hear more about your thoughts on these topics, Khalil.


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