Online Gaming

In recent years online gaming has taken the next step in being the prolific activity that teens and even some adults take action in. Before you could game online, you had to be in the same room as the opponent to play. Now you can be across the country and still play against your opponent. It is amazing how far technology has came as far as being able to play against anyone in the country. One way I feel like online gaming can do even better is adding a visual screen of your opponent. As of now the most communication you can have with your opponent is being able to talk to them over a microphone headset. Which is still awesome, but to add that next step they should add a visual screen option. Being able to play against other gamers around the country makes playing video games awesome because it gives the whole world a chance to compete with each other at a high level.


  1. I agree that it is amazing how far online gaming has come in our lifetime alone. Now that anyone in the world with an internet connection can play, online game producers are able to make their product more accessible and let more and more players collaborate. This lets producers reach a broader market, as well as collect more data on their players. With more data, they can improve current online games, as well as create new ones to stay relevant.

  2. This is an interesting point that you make, Khalil! I have always wondered what video games would be like if they had the video chat option. If people could see how they are playing live, I feel as though it might either increase the toxic behavior, or reduce it. It may reduce it because when people can see one another they may not be as inclined to insult one another because they are face to face. It is a very interesting concept to think about. I’m sure that it will be a reality soon amongst the gaming world in the coming years.


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