Flickr Usage

In class today we watched a TED talk about and how anyone that has access to a tablet, phone, or laptop can use those pictures for your own usage. This is an interesting subject to me because plagiarism is a big factor in education. A lot of times when you have a project or assignment to complete that needs pictures, you search it up on the internet. More than none the pictures used are from sites like flikr.  If the picture says copyrights reserved, then you can’t use that picture. This situation is contradicting because if the picture can’t be used why is it on the internet. I’ve always have problems with understanding the reason behind that. However, I do understand that if I was to post a picture on the internet that was a unique picture I wouldn’t want anyone else to post it like it was theirs without putting my name on it.


  1. I think I can help you with some of the distinction of why people would have copyrighted material. I was commissioned by a website one time to do a series of photographs to display their products. The company owner was a good friend of mine so I was happy to do it. He then used the photos in part of his website for advertising. Problem was later when another website had taken the image that I took for my friends branding and used it for their own branding. My friend had all the rights to the photos but didn’t copyright them meaning that even though it was advertising for his products that company could use it. These days that is where most of the reason why things are copyrighted online, the right to make money off something.

  2. You made an interesting point by bringing up how it is common to come across images with strict sharing regulations despite the fact that they were posted online to be seen by a large public, especially on sites like Flickr. In my experience, it have found it frustrating on multiple occasions to find an adequate picture to use as a result of these restrictions on sharing that are often in place. However, frustration aside, it's necessary to implement these restrictions in order to give creators the right to protect their work from being stolen or discredited.


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